Data & Technology Solutions Ltd.

Web Analytics: Google Analytics, WebTrends, Adobe Analytics (Omniture)


Web analytics is a vital component for any business operating in the digital space. Without reliable and meaningful data you will be operating in the dark and will likely be making costly mistakes.

Analyt provide a range of services aligned to a proven framework:

Measurement framework
Measurement FrameworkQuick HealthcheckBusiness RequirementsTechnical feasibility AuditsPlanning, Design, & Metric MappingImplementation SupportReporting, automation, & visualisationTraining, optimisation, & maintenanceCustomer advoacy & modellingOn-going support

Quick Health Check

How am I doing?

As a quick start, we recommend conducting a check of your existing web site and, if applicable, your measurement technologies. Our Health Check takes the form of a mini-audit and covers many of the services detailed below. The output of the Health Check is a short "Top 5 things you need to fix" report, which covers: Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and User Experience (CX / UX).
A Health Check is a great way to see if you have any major problems. It can also be a great reassurance before launching a new campaign / product. You may also consider running them on a monthly or quarterly basis to give regular snapshots of performance and ongoing confidence.

Business Requirement Analysis

What good looks like

Many businesses do not have a fully developed vision as what success looks like for them online. A vital part of any successful data project is to understand how the business functions and how success is perceived throughout the organisation. By conducting a range of interviews (ideally face-to-face, but via phone or survey is also possible) with a range of both business and technical/delivery stakeholders we will compile a prioritised list of data/technology related requirements.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) development

What to measure and why

Avoid data paralysis and focus on what matters. It is vital that your business has a robust understanding of performance, but far too many fall into the trap of trying to measure and communicate everything - a report is NOT a KPI. Developing a practical range of KPIs (no more than 10), will enable you to see the wood for the trees and to communicate effectively. Analyt can help you to develop your KPIs by looking at what can be measured today and what steps are required to measure what is needed (Gap Analysis).

Technical feasibility & Data Capture Audit

How reliable are your data?

Your web analytics reports are only as good as the data they capture. Typically most tools are not implemented correctly resulting in skews in the data capture leading to mis-leading reports. A Data Capture Audit typically takes 3-5 days and focuses on how data captured: from the code on the web pages, to the data processing rules within your technology of choice.

Tool Implementation & Configuration

Getting stuff done

Google Analytics Goals, WebTrends Scenarios, Adobe Analytics classifications: All tools need to be configured to get the best out of them. Analyt can help configure your web analytics tools to better meet your requirements: from profiles & filers to report building & Dashboards. Analyt can also help to integrate your tools with other systems as part of a data integration or visualisation project.

Reporting, Automation, & Visualisation

Getting the message across

Data are only as good as the action that is taken. We can provide a fully outsourced reporting, analysis, visualisation, and insight service. Existing reporting templates can be used initially, but then modified to allow greater automation.


What does it all mean?

For the majority of people, web analytics is not their day job and it can be confusing. Analyt can provide both general and tool specific training designed for a range of audiences: from novices to advanced.

On-going Support: Tactical & Strategic

Top & Tail

Creating a data driven organisation does not happen overnight. It is vital to have a vision on where you want to get to and a plan on how to get there. However, reality has a habit of getting in the way of the best laid plans! As such Analyt provides on-going support both at a technical level, to keep the tactical activities on track, and at the strategic level to evolve & develop the vision based on what is practical.

Measurement Framework

There and back again

A programme of activities covering all of the above, which is designed to help organisations become truly data driven. This typically forms part of a digital transformation or a change management programme, and focuses on people, process, and technology. The programme includes both strategic deliverables in the form of KPIs and implementation roadmaps, but also tactical activities to actually implement the recommendations and prove their value. Although, each Measurement Framework is tailored to an organisation, the programmes typically last around three- to six-months, with the option of on-going support for as long as is needed.

Example Measurement programme

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